Is Holy Spirit Revival Real?

…Jesus stood up and cried out, ‘If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. The one who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, will have streams of living water flow from deep within him.’ He said this about the Spirit. Those who believed in Jesus were going to receive the Spirit, for the Spirit had not yet been given because Jesus had not yet been glorified. (John 7:37-39, CSB)
This past summer, I worked at a Christian camp as a cabin leader—which, I believe, is the greatest job ever! If you have even an inkling desire to work with kids or to be a parent one day, I highly recommend spending a summer working as a cabin leader (a.k.a. a camp counselor) because it equips you so many child-care and adulting skills! While I’m obviously biased toward this job, I cannot deny the spiritual revival that occurred during week two of camp this summer.
It was our first week of middle school camp and I was coming off of a mentally and emotionally taxing week of kid’s camp (4th through 6th graders). My middle school campers were truly a blessing given by God after a tough first week of camp. All eight of them were excited to be at camp and they all became close friends by the end. Now granted, they had their challenging moments that week, but I know that they all experienced the power of Holy Spirit that week—I certainly experienced His presence!
Our theme for the summer was “No Worries,” which was taken from Philippians 4:6-7:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (NIV).
Our chapel speaker that week chose to preach through the entire letter to the Philippians in order to give the campers a deeper understanding of the context of those two verses stated above.
It was amazing to witness how impactful each chapel message had on the campers as I talked through them with my campers during our cabin discussions each day:
- They learned how to read through and study an entire book of the Bible.
- They learned how to hand over their fears, worries, and anxieties to God in prayer.
- They learned how to live in freedom and peace that comes from Jesus Christ.
And I learned all of that right along with them!!
The messages weren’t the only impactful portions of chapel that week. During musical worship, I witnessed so many campers, as well as myself, slowly become more and more comfortable and unashamed to lift our hands fully in praise. This is something that I myself was never comfortable with doing prior to that week—in fact I still struggle with feeling comfortable to do so at times even now.
Yet, the Holy Spirit was working in all of our lives that week, molding our hearts to be more in tuned with His presence and His whisperings. In fact, two of my campers dedicated their lives to Jesus that week!! That was a powerful moment to witness—watching them, and 20+ other middle schoolers, fall to their knees in heartbroken prayer and cry out to their Savior and King.
And that wasn’t the only powerful Holy Spirit moment to witness that week!
The night (Friday) following that moment of surrender (Thursday), the entire camp gathered together at the boating beach that looked out across a beautiful lake surrounded by numerous trees. Of the entire group, there were just over 20 people—campers and summer staff members—that were ready to tell the whole world they were dedicating their all to Jesus through baptism (there were over 100 campers and 30 summer staff members there that week). Yet, the Holy Spirit had plans for a whole lot more to be baptized that evening!
As person after person went down into the water and came up to a celebration of cheers and applause, the Holy Spirit began working His way through the hearts of each person gathered there.
Watching camper after camper, fellow staff member after staff member give their life to Jesus as they stepped into the water, my heart—and many others’—swelled with emotion. People started crying. I even started tearing up and I tend to be a stuffer when it comes to my emotions!!
While all of this was going on, I turned and saw one camper—a girl about 13 years old—just sobbing her eyes out and begging her cabin leader to be baptized. And she wasn't the only one.
As the last of the scheduled people were baptized, the camp directors were in the back making phone call after phone call to parents, asking permission for their children to be baptized!
Camper after camper and staff member after staff member came forward to be baptized. A dear friend of mine who worked in the kitchen, dragged me and a couple other cabin leaders up, asking us to join her in the water as she was baptized—she had dedicated her life to Jesus during staff training a couple of weeks earlier.
Then, that 13-year-old girl who I saw sobbing and weeping earlier, walked into the lake. She pushed through the water as as fast as she could toward the chapel speaker—who had the honor of being the baptizer that night—for she was ready to give her life fully over to Jesus, her Savior and King.
One of the things that struck me most about this girl wasn't just her raw emotions, but that she went into the water fully clothed! And she was wearing the cutest jean overall romper. Yet, she didn't care how horribly wet and uncomfortable she’d be afterwards in that jean material....all she cared about in that moment was Jesus.
It made me wonder then and makes me wonder even now…do I care and love Jesus so much that literally nothing else matters??
- …Not even my clothes…
- …Not even my hair…
- …Not even my body…
- …Not even my job…
- …Not even my grades…
- …Not even my friends…
Now that’s what I call spiritual revival! The Holy Spirit stirred up the realization of brokenness in the hearts of so many people that evening by the lake. Then He planted the realization and desire to acknowledge and accept Jesus as Savior and King in their hearts—mine as well!!
So you see, spiritual revival is really truly happening in our world today! It may not seem like it with the horrors that are happening all around us, but the Holy Spirit is moving now just like He moved during the first century among the early Church.
Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples/apostles, preached to Jews and Gentiles during Pentecost—which accounted 50 days after Jesus’ death and resurrection. Peter preached with power and authority given to him by Holy Spirit. He called out the sin and brokenness in the people’s hearts and lives. (I encourage you to read the entirety of the first two chapters of Acts.)
In Acts 2:37-41 it says…
When they [the people] heard this, they were pierced to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and for your children, and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call.” With many other words he testified and strongly urged them, saying, “Be saved from this corrupt generation!” So those who accepted his message were baptized, and that day about three thousand people were added to them (emphasis added, CSB).
About three thousand people were added to the early Church that day. Did you catch that??
The people were convicted by the Spirit of God who pointed them from themselves to Jesus. They repented and were baptized, receiving forgiveness of sins AND the gift of the Holy Spirit’s presence.
This is exactly what happened that second week of camp this summer. While there weren’t three thousand people added to the Church family that day, there were at least 30 people added, if not more!!
So here at my questions for you to reflect on and pray about:
- Have you repented of your sin, accepting Jesus as your Savior??
- Have you been baptized, showing the world that Jesus is now your Lord and King??
If yes, then hallelujah!! Praise God!! Welcome to the family sister!! There was a party in heaven the moment you said yes to Jesus!!
If no, then what is holding you back??
Stop and pray now!! Either (1) thank and praise Jesus for being your Savior and King, or (2) repent of your sins, ask the Lord for forgiveness, and pray to Him wisdom on your next steps in your new relationship with Him.
Sister, friend, you don’t have to live in your brokenness anymore. God’s grace is sufficient enough for you. He calls you beloved and is waiting with open arms to welcome you to His family.
Just say yes! Then you will receive the Holy Spirit who will flow into you like a rushing stream! I’m praying for you dear friend!!