Renewing Our Minds: Experiencing a Content Free Summer

Renewing Our Minds: Experiencing a Content Free Summer
“Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2 (ESV)

I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted by all the noise of our world. I just want a break.

The daily podcasts, the videos, the news headlines are almost too much to for my mind to handle. While I do enjoy them, I’m simply worn out by the underlying pressure that comes from their constant presence.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the noise of the world?

We live in a society that is constantly bombarding us with information—both audio and visual. While it is wonderful that we have access to so much information and knowledge, the rate at which we receive it can be deafening.

With each day bringing new podcasts, new songs, and new videos, I often wake up feeling more behind than I was the day before. I think to myself, in a frustrated and sometimes panicked state, I didn’t even get to listen to yesterday’s new podcast! How am I ever going to have time to listen to the new one that just came out today?

So how do we navigate our world of technology and information as followers of Christ?

While I don’t have an all encompassing answer to this question, I do have an idea of where we can start. A step that we can take to recenter our minds on Christ.

With summer fast approaching—if it hasn’t already arrived—days are getting longer, schedules are shifting and perhaps getting lighter, and exciting trips are on the horizon.

Summer might seem like the perfect time to catch up on all the podcasts, videos, movies, and whatever else you and I might have missed or fallen behind on throughout the ‘school’ year.

Yet, I argue that summer is the perfect time for us to take a mental rest from all the voices of the world. With the endless cycle of new, new, new—which can be invigorating at best but mentally taxing to the point of exhaustion at worst—I decided to commit myself to a challenge to be digital-content free this summer. I pray that you too will join me.

Here is the challenge:

During the months of June and July, take a break from listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos, and scrolling social media. And instead replace them with things that are life-giving and help you learn to recognize the voice of the Lord.

Even as I set this for myself, I’ve been thinking, do you realize how many videos and podcasts you’re going to get behind on and miss out on?

This is a thought that isn’t going to help us out in anyway. It’s a thought that you and I must silence because it won’t do us any good to dwell on what’s in the past—to think continuously on what we’ve missed out on.

We need to take thoughts like this captive by replacing it and challenging it with words of truth from God’s Word. These verses below are just one option of many (I mean there are some 31,102 verses in the Bible to choose from—using discernment, of course).

“For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (ESV)emphasis added

We can also focus our thoughts on the positive things we’re gaining in this content free season.

For me, the things I will be focusing on is that I get to spend more time…

  • …reading—which is something I love and gives me life, but I often skip out on it to sit and watch a YouTube video instead.
  • …studying God’s word—instead of listening to a podcast on a walk, I can choose to listen to the Scripture instead on the Bible app.
  • …developing new hobbies—perhaps even ones that engage my brain in the way that podcasts have done in the past.
  • …talking to friends and/or family—both in person and on the phone.
  • …working on my blog and other ongoing writing projects.
  • …sitting (or walking) quietly with the Lord through prayer—whether that’s in my room or outside in nature.

Summer is the perfect season to take a digital content break because our schedules have shifted, the days are longer, and the weather is generally nicer.

By spending less time consuming content and having other peoples thoughts crowd out our own, we will have more time and mental space to train ourselves to better listen to and hear God’s voice. How beautiful is that!?

So join me this summer in my challenge!

Let’s use two months this summer to take a digital detox! For me, that looks like getting off YouTube and taking a break from podcasts. For you that might look a little different. It might involve removing social media (like Instagram), certain types of movies/shows, or anything else that is distracting you from God and from pursuing your dreams.

If two months seems too challenging right now, then adapt this challenge to fit your needs. Maybe just take one month off, or start with just one week. Or maybe you just need to take one day off from all social media each week for the next couple of months.

Pray about and see what God is asking you to trust Him with this summer and then faithfully obey Him in that.

Now, I want you to stop reading right here.

Write down what you will be taking break from this summer. Then, make a list—an action plan—of all the ways you can replace and fill that space. But don’t forget to let God into your newly freed up schedule and mental space.

Together, let’s find ways this summer where we can unplug from our devices and instead plug into connection with God, our Heavenly Father, and with the people around us.

How will you be spending your summer without the distraction of digital content?

Resources to watch before you take a content break in hopes to motivate you and inspire you to follow through with this challenge:

"How I cut my screen time by 80%" by Makari Espe

"Why You Don't Feel Like Reading the Bible" by Spencer Nakamura

"Dopamine" by The Arcadian Wild